“I share the result. For a woman 52 years old, sugar was 150 (in the evening after the tester was measured) 15 days passed. Sugar in the evening 90 ... weight decreased 4kg ... she feels great, sleeps already without antidepressants ... Drinks Vodichka and tincture 5 and tincture 6 and symbion .... this is the result .... that we started only washing the body .. And on 25.10 we will begin to do antiparasitics. a woman from Germany ..”
Alla BennetBuyer
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Reviews about «AURORA» products
Look inside“Review of serotonin: A man left his strong antidepressants and copes well with two spoons a day, as advised. With a double dose, the Earth floated soaring without touching it, it was necessary to reduce the dose. I already had concerns, didn’t they add drugs there by accident? ... (the effect was still strong). But he has a sober mind, everything begins to clear up, began to feel himself again, as in the old days. I’m very happy that I don’t need to swallow chemistry anymore. She harmed his kidneys and liver. (judging by blood tests). Thanks to Natalia Gutkhail, who brought serotonin from Russia very on time! I'd love to hear reviews from others with depression.”
Lilya SchulzBuyer
“Son, 2 years old, coughing for 7 weeks !!! We had 4 different doctors, everyone said to wait, it will pass by itself. Each time, prescribing new useless syrups, drops .... each doctor told his diagnosis, or even did not know what happened to the child! Patience ended when the child began to vomit every 10-15 minutes, tearing out everything that he ate a little — ate a bit ... All night vomiting, coughing and crying .... Thank you very much to Tamara for helping to save, and to everyone who advised . They drank broth every two hours on a teaspoon, Sea Energy 0.5 teaspoons twice a day, Argent 3 times a day, mixed everything into a bottle and drank a little through a nipple. After 3 days, things started to improve, a week passed, there was almost nothing left, sometimes it sent off once or twice, but with a simple cough, as I choked .. That's the result we have”
Marina BernBuyer
“And here is the result of my mother: she has spikes, solid mazolos right on the foot, which is painful during the onset. Last night we diluted Sinbad Oil, Siluron Cream and Sinbad Turpentine Bath all the ingredients were mixed and applied to the sponge, applying at night to the sore spot. In the morning, mom stepping on the floor, said that the pain is much less. Although before that she had tried a lot of things !!!! Now the spur does not bother.”
Nina TasmalyBuyer
“I bought Viargons in the company of Aurora 1,5, 17, 35. All the time, cholesterol and soya were increased 2025. Having consumed these viargons for almost 2 months. Cholesterol is normal, soybeans decreased to 3x. The results thrilled me! Thank you for the great products.”
“A woman comes and says: " Give 2 jars of Ognevit! the second one has decreased ... At this time I also drank Ognevitt and mechanically launched a hand in the head. I remembered about my wen and, Oh miracle! He is not there!”
Natalya GudinaConsumer
“My result: hypothyroidism 15 years. Took 100 units. EUTIROX. Hormone TTG 16 (norm 0.4-4) Tachycardia tormented as soon as I take a horizontal position. I accept Ai-Norms from September 25 to 1t. Reduced to 50 units. Eutirox. Tachycardia is gone after 10 days. She began to sleep soundly. Donated blood to thyroid hormones. The result of TTG 11. From November 1, I will add another 1 t. AI-NORM and leave eutirox 0.25. Then I will write the result.”
Tatyana LivoniConsumer
“The result on viargons A woman 48 years old, 13 years old suffered from gout, after applying Aurora products for about a year and a half and cleansing she achieved tremendous results, she started to sweat lymph, pains disappeared, it hurts only sometimes with phases and then a couple of days. Viargons were added to the whole product 1 6 10 35 On the third day I never got up in the toilet, slept all night !!! And the effect remains! After 3 weeks, all joints ached very much ... a couple of days after taking the turpentine bath, I rash under the breast and on all knees a rash with intense itching !! Just unbearable !!! A huge layer of salt came out extended from the joints and not only !!!!! There is no limit to surprise”
Ирина КааConsumer
“Good night to everyone, I could not resist and want to share the result of using Pepto Melanin, a 50 year old woman, Vitiligo protracted from childhood, hypomelanosis, severe facial skin depigmentation with spots, focal form. After our cleaning prophylaxis, undergoing cleansing of the body according to the short circuit, and of course the use of Pepto Melanin, We have the Result, Stain Gone, felt ashamed today, decreased much on the face in the eyelid, eyes, faces, the spot disappeared! Thanks to the Developers, specialists and the whole team, to the author of the drug, a low bow!”
Maria PotterConsumer
“I like to check everything. Being at the Festival of the " Teaching of the Tree of Life '' in the Crimea in Bashtanovka, after the Workshop of Arkady Zhusman (the doctor), who had a device for determining Electromagnetic Radiation, it’s called, Vita, I attached my phone with our Auronik to it. Many people there did the same. And what? How joyful was my surprise when I saw the indicator 0 (zero) In contrast to the testimonies of other people. Someone also had a device to neutralize EM radiation, But ... the device showed some numbers, i.e. it, their device passed radio waves, and our Auronik-no. Now, in fact, I was convinced that our Auronik. really works at 100%. Protect yourself and your family, friends, children from harmful Electro-Magnetic radiation! You have no idea what harm they do to our health!”
Evgenia PetrovаConsumer


