To make up for the lack of useful substances, a modern person needs additional sources of trace elements and vitamins. Studies show that it is possible to improve metabolic processes in the body with the help of plant extracts collected in special complexes.
BARS-2 (biologically active plant systems) is a development of Russian scientists. The natural complex is considered as an additional supplement to the food diet of a resident of a megalopolis.
The daily use of “BARS-2” is a persistent positive effect on the human body in case of metabolic disorders (in case of a disorder gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system imbalance). In addition, the complex provides cell resistance against infectious diseases of a bacterial or viral nature.
BARS-2 regulates metabolic processes at the level of cellular structures, including in mitochondria.
The main therapeutic properties of the components of the composition “BARS-2”:
First of all, it is betulin. It protects the membranes of cells with phospholipids, preventing the penetration of viruses and bacteria. The substance helps the production of interferon, macrophages, reduces the absorption capacity of mutated (tumor-like) cells. In addition, betulin reduces the absorption of cholesterol by cells and accelerates its removal from the body due to antioxidant functions.
L-arginine is an amino acid that nourishes muscles, reduces the level of subcutaneous fat and stimulates the production of growth hormone.
Another amino acid L-lysine helps cells with immunodeficiency conditions, supports reproductive function, and also reduces the excessive production of pinoproteins that disrupt the exchange in the walls of blood vessels.
The tropical plant cat’s claw has an anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect. This is the strongest neuroprotector, which can also restore DNA.
The plant borovaya uterus is used in the complex treatment of adhesive disease and mastopathy.
The fruits and leaves of raspberries are used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract, lungs and kidneys.
Succinic acid helps to rejuvenate the body, improve the functions of the thyroid gland and overall energy metabolism.
Radiola rosea stimulates the central nervous system, increases the antidepressant and hypoxic resistance of the body and prevents the development of tumor processes.
The trace element germanium helps cells get a sufficient dose of oxygen and activate the immune defense system.
Adam’s Apple (mclure) has a strong antioxidant effect and contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes in the skin for rejuvenation.
Betulin, L-arginine, L-lysine, cat’s claw, hog uterus, raspberry fruit, raspberry leaf, succinic acid, Rhodiola rosea, germanium, apple extract.
Fine powder of pink color.
Recommendation for use:
Pour three measuring spoons of powder on the tongue, hold it for 10-15 seconds and drink a third glass of clean, cool water.
Take daily 1-2 times a day 10-15 minutes before breakfast or lunch. The recommended duration of administration is from 3 to 4 weeks.
Repeat the course of admission no earlier than 2 weeks after the end of the first course.
Individual intolerance, manifested rashes on the skin.
Storage conditions:
Store in a dry, poorly lit, inaccessible to children place at a temperature not higher than 25 0C.
Expiration date:
2 years from the date of manufacture.
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