KOR-ALL® is an organic product for the mineralization of drinking water with calcium ions. The main component is extracted from corals that grow in the Sea of Japan. The deep-sea flora and fauna of Okinawa and Tokunoshima Islands contributes to the birth of organic coral.

Coral improves the organoleptic properties of water, which you need to drink every few hours. In this way, the balance of salts in the body is controlled. The stabilization of this indicator improves the work of the human body both inside and outside.

Calcium from Japanese seawater also supports a slightly alkaline environment in the body. This is important because the amount of alkalis depends on the metabolic processes in the human body at the micro level. Calcium ions are an integral companion of the work of cells.

The KOR-ALL® sachet bag should be placed in a jug of water to saturate it with calcium ions. Beneficial effects on the gastrointestinal tract and circulatory system, growth of bone and connective tissues, improvement of the structure of the body at the cellular level – these are several advantages of the product.

Drinking such water every day is the first step towards a healthy alkaline environment.

What improvements can be noticed after adding COR-ALL ® to the diet:

  1. Restoration of the pH level in the blood.
  2. Oxygen saturation of the blood.
  3. Reducing the risks of disorders in the heart, blood vessels and digestive tract.
  4. Reducing the risk of diabetes mellitus.
  5. General detox of the kidneys, digestive system and liver.
  6. Increased muscle elasticity and blood vessel throughput.
  7. Strengthening of the musculoskeletal system.

Recommendations: KOR-ALL® is recommended for use to improve the properties of drinking water.


There are five foil bags in one set. Each package contains six sachet bags.

1 sachet bag (1 g) contains:

Crushed coral ……………….. 995 mg

L-Ascorbic acid …………….. 5 mg


One sachet bag must be placed in one or two liters of water (or less). The sachet package does not need to be opened. For maximum efficiency, we recommend using bottled or filtered drinking water. After a few minutes, the water can be taken orally. The recommended shelf life is one day.

aTtention: The contents of the sachet bag can be dissolved in water in a minimum amount.

Storage: In a closed package and only in a dry place out of the reach of children.

Shelf life: 3 years.


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