

The product is a fermented milk symbiotic «Symbion» — 60 tablets of 0.25 g.

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Symbion® is a product of fermented milk origin, which contains essential vitamins and amino acids for the body. Trace elements, active substances that are part of Symbion®, have a positive effect on the functioning of the human gastrointestinal tract.

The product is obtained from cow’s milk with zero fat content through fermented milk fermentation with the participation of bifido-lactobacilli, Bulgarian and acidophilus bacilli, as well as lactic acid yeast.


Symbion® is a special purpose product that is used for the following indications:

  1. Restoration of the natural environment of the small and large intestines after undergoing a course of antibiotics and sulfonamides.
  2. Restoration of intestinal microflora after treatment of oncological diseases.
  3. With digestive insufficiency syndrome and dyspepsia, enterogenic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. For the treatment of diarrhea, flatulence and constipation.
  5. To relieve the syndromes of heartburn, gastroenteritis and colitis.
  6. At the diagnosis of “senile bowel syndrome”.

Symbion® helps the gastrointestinal tract to adapt to climate change after a long flight. It eliminates the effects of diseases caused by viruses and infections, as well as food poisoning and hangover syndrome.

The fermented milk composition of the product improves the condition of women and children with alimentary-dependent pathologies: growth disorders, anemia syndromes, reduced nutritional status, food intolerance, as well as hereditary gastrointestinal disorders.


Symbion®. Fermented milk symbiotic product

60 tablets of 0.25 g .

TU 9179-013-0080714072-2015

The technology for the production of peptides based on the symbiosis of beneficial bacteria is registered in the State Register of Inventions of the Russian Federation (Patent for invention No. 2524437 dated 04.06.2014).


Natural milk hydrolyzed by the symbiosis of bifido-, lacto- and other beneficial bacteria; peptides, amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, macro- and microelements.

Scope of use:

With dysbiosis, immunodeficiency conditions, bronchopulmonary diseases, gastrointestinal disorders, oncology, the drug has a complex therapeutic effect. It also facilitates the acute period of allergy, reduces the severity of side effects from taking medications.

Recommendations for use:

For adults: one tablet 4 times a day

Children: one tablet 2 times a day

The best time is before or during a meal.

The drug is suitable for pregnant and lactating women.


Symbion® is suitable for people of any age. The drug is hypoallergenic, since large proteins are hydrolyzed to low molecular weight peptide fractions and free amino acids.

Storage conditions:

The shelf life is 3 years.

Storage temperature – from -20 °C to +40 ° C. The recommended humidity is not higher than 85%.

1 review for Simbion

  1. aurora

    Добрый день! У меня нет йогуртницы и получается кефир отменный вначале кладу 5 симбионов (разминаю в теплом молоке)…. Молоко беру обычное в магазине 2.5% кипячу его. Затем даю остыть до 45градусов и добавляю ст. Ложку сметаны. В пластмассовый таз кладу коврик маленький (как каремат качество коврика) ставлю кострюлю. Накрываю пакетом(майка) и закрываю сверху махровым полотенцем и подушкой, можно пледом… Через три часа готово. А сейчас делаю ежедневно ряженку.. Только молоко топлю в обычной газ. Духовке., и жду когда поднимуться три пенки, конечно же их по очереди опускаю в молоко и делаю ту же процедуру. Только добавляю на три литра молока две столовые ложки сметаны и 5 Симбиона. Когда в первый раз ряженка села. Сразу откладываю стакан ряженки на сл. Закваску и так каждый день. В последующие ряженки я добавляю на три литра только Закваску и просто бросаю таблетку не растворенную Симбиона. Всем приятного аппетита! ❤️

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